Title: New niche: the ageless market
Authors: Ruby Chanda; Sanchari Debgupta
Addresses: Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Symbiosis International (Deemed to be University), Range Hills Road, Khadki, Pune 411020, India ' Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Symbiosis International (Deemed to be University), Range Hills Road, Khadki, Pune 411020, India
Abstract: Age has played a vital role in influencing marketeers to decide their target customers. Marketeers have always focused on targeting younger group of customers eluding one segment of customers who have often gotten neglected is the 'baby boomers' or 'ageless customers'. This article attempts to understand the gap between the demand of baby boomers and focus as well as supply from the retailers. In depth interviews and content analysis with retailers and baby boomers were conducted. Findings suggest that most retailers were not very keen on specifically targeting the segment of baby boomers. It explores the retailer connect required with this set of customers and the shopping behaviour exhibited by them.
Keywords: baby boomers; retailer; marketers; shopping behaviour; ageless; qualitative; theory of planned behaviour; content analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.128585
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2023 Vol.30 No.2, pp.129 - 147
Received: 03 Sep 2020
Accepted: 08 Dec 2020
Published online: 27 Jan 2023 *