Title: Towards globalisation of B-schools: best practices for sustainable higher education
Authors: Preetha Menon; Kaushik Samaddar; K.H. Aparna
Addresses: FLAME School of Communication, FLAME University Pune, India ' Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India ' Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India
Abstract: Higher education today contributes to economic, social and human development. The quality and focus of higher education decide the quality of the workforce in businesses. Prominent frameworks in higher education like Humboldtian model of higher education, responsible research and innovation (RRI) framework and Wals and Jickling model have been synthesised to find newer meaning in this space. This paper's content analyses 18 interviews of leaders from top-ranking B-schools that were published in a leading business magazine. Focus on international collaboration, industry exposure and encouraging entrepreneurship, emphasis on innovative and quality learning atmosphere, focus on research, nurturing socially responsible global leaders, women in higher education and leadership, and shaping young managers who are conversant with digital transformation, were the seven best practices identified by this study for sustainable higher education. Corroborating with existing frameworks, this study provides direction to B-schools, policymakers and scholars in the area of sustainable higher education.
Keywords: sustainable higher education; content analysis; B-school; best practices; India; globalisation; responsible research and innovation; higher education; internationalisation; sustainable practices.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2023 Vol.33 No.1/2, pp.130 - 146
Received: 30 Aug 2019
Accepted: 05 Jan 2020
Published online: 18 Jan 2023 *