Title: Control system for determining real driving range in electric vehicles
Authors: Carlos Armenta-Déu; Erwan Cattin
Addresses: Faculty of Physical Sciences, Department of Matter Structure, Thermal Physics and Electronics, Complutense University of Madrid, 28040, Madrid, Spain ' Polytechnical Institute, Université Clermont Auvergne, Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux, 2, avenue Blaise-Pascal, TSA 60206 – CS 60026, 63178, Aubière Cedex, France
Abstract: The main goal of this project is the design of a control system to determine real energy consumption in electric vehicles, thus to calculate the remaining driving distance. The control system uses specifically developed software that takes into account real driving conditions. Data for the software calculation are taken either from databases or from online operating driving conditions. The system is adaptive, thus valid for all electric vehicles, driving conditions, way of driving and type of the road. The system also includes specific hardware to calculate parameter values for the input simulation. Theoretical approach has been correlated to experimental tests within 96% accuracy, thus proving the validity of the proposed method. The new protocol represents a useful tool to determine not only the driving range of electric vehicles, but also the remaining driving distance.
Keywords: electric vehicles; control system design; software design; electronic devices; energy consumption; driving range.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2022.128179
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 2022 Vol.16 No.2, pp.150 - 164
Received: 31 Jul 2021
Accepted: 23 Aug 2021
Published online: 10 Jan 2023 *