Title: Techno-economic optimisation of a standalone solar PV battery energy storage system: a metaheuristic approach
Authors: Kudzanayi Chiteka; Tendaishe Munetsiwa; Tatenda Kanyowa; Garikayi Victor Nyakujara; Emmanuel Ndala
Addresses: Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, Gwanda State University, Epoch Mine Campus, P.O. Box 30, Filabusi, Zimbabwe ' School of Engineering and Technology, Harare Institute of Technology, P.O. Box BE277, Belvedere Harare, Zimbabwe ' School of Engineering and Technology, Harare Institute of Technology, P.O. Box BE277, Belvedere Harare, Zimbabwe ' School of Engineering and Technology, Harare Institute of Technology, P.O. Box BE277, Belvedere Harare, Zimbabwe ' School of Engineering and Technology, Harare Institute of Technology, P.O. Box BE277, Belvedere Harare, Zimbabwe
Abstract: This study optimised the battery energy storage system of a standalone solar home system. The optimisation considered the futuristic price drops in battery energy storage systems due to future technological developments. Two battery technologies, i.e., the lithium ion battery type and the sealed maintenance free battery were analysed. This study modelled the life of a battery energy storage system against the depth of discharge and the cost of energy storage. It was revealed that optimising the battery energy storage system considering future price drop reduced the levelised cost of energy by at least 17% and in this study a levelised cost of energy of US$0.066 was obtained which is 8.33% less than the standard domestic tariff in Zimbabwe. This study recommended an optimal depth of discharge of respectively 73% and 45% for lithium ion batteries and sealed maintenance free batteries.
Keywords: solar energy; battery energy storage system; BESS; optimisation; metaheuristic; solar home system; SHS; depth of discharge; DoD.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRET.2023.127563
International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, 2023 Vol.14 No.1, pp.58 - 76
Received: 14 Apr 2021
Accepted: 28 Jan 2022
Published online: 09 Dec 2022 *