Title: Influence of brand name in variety seeking behaviour of consumers: an empirical analysis
Authors: Rajagopal
Addresses: Department of Marketing, Business Division, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, ITESM, Mexico City Campus, 222, Calle del Puente, Tlalpan, DF 14380, Mexico
Abstract: This study has been conducted in a Mexican retail business environment with a focus to explore the tendency of decision making by consumers towards buying unfamiliar brands when considering the importance of brand name. The discussions in the paper have been woven around the issues of perceived risk, perceived brand difference, association of brand name and customer values as major influencing factors in making buying decisions towards unfamiliar brands. The study reveals that the perceptions on brand name in reference to brand risk and brand differences have been the prime factors in making a buying decision for new brands among the consumers.
Keywords: cognitive behaviour; personality traits; brand loyalty; brand perceptions; variety seeking behaviour; retailing; decision making; customer value; perceived risk; unfamiliar brands; brand names.
International Journal of Management Practice, 2007 Vol.2 No.4, pp.306 - 323
Published online: 13 Mar 2007 *
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