Title: Automatic refilling vending machine using Amazon DRS AWS

Authors: R. Suresh Kumar; P. Manimegalai; S. Abishak; N.K.S. Hariharan; D. Pamela

Addresses: Centre for System Design, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India ' Department of Biomedical Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India ' Centre for System Design, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India ' Centre for System Design, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India ' Department of Biomedical Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India

Abstract: Presently, the existing replenishment device may be handiest when systematically reviewing the inventories. Whereas, there are ongoing vending machines that may not be able to provide or discover whether the substances are doing nicely to be replenished or no longer be replenished. This effect is an inefficient replenishment policy and there will be regular inventory-out among the products. This undertaking intends to provide the automatic replenishment of smart merchandising gadget with the intention to provide and support inventories to the administrator. Amazon sprint replenishment service (Amazon DRS) permits, while the vending device is about to run out of the stock/product, it to automatically locate orders on Amazon, administering which of the supplies may be due for replenishment. By executing this venture, inventory-out of the vending machines may be prevented and a green manner of the replenishment system can be carried out.

Keywords: vending machine; Amazon dash replenishment service; Amazon DRS; ESP32; internet of things.

DOI: 10.1504/IJESMS.2023.127398

International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 2023 Vol.14 No.1, pp.24 - 29

Received: 23 Jul 2021
Accepted: 02 Sep 2021

Published online: 03 Dec 2022 *

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