Title: Multiple backup method of financial encrypted data on internet of things platform

Authors: Suhong Bi

Addresses: School of Accounting, Jiaozuo University, Jiaozuo 454000, China

Abstract: In order to overcome the problems of data access, time-consuming and poor security, existing in the traditional multiple backup method of financial encrypted data, a new multiple backup method of financial encrypted data is proposed under the platform of internet of things. On the platform of internet of things, access processing of financial encrypted data is completed by calculating the expected value of successful access request and access delay of financial encrypted data. The shared nearest neighbour method is used to cluster the financial encrypted data. Finally, based on the theory of genetic algorithm, the optimal multiple backup solutions are iteratively calculated to complete the multiple backup of financial encrypted data. The experimental results show that compared with the traditional multiple backup methods, the proposed method has shorter access time and higher security, with the highest security factor of 0.99.

Keywords: internet of things platform; financial encrypted data; multiple backup.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2022.126756

International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2022 Vol.19 No.1/2, pp.199 - 209

Received: 07 May 2021
Accepted: 03 Jul 2021

Published online: 04 Nov 2022 *

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