Title: The relationship between the self-learning skills and attitude of Shoubak University College students towards using the e-learning system (Moodle)
Authors: Omar M. Mahasneh
Addresses: Department of Basic and Applied Science, Faculty of Shobak University College, AL-Balqa Applied University, P.O. Box 71911, Shobak (5) Maan, Jordan
Abstract: The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between the self-learning skills that students acquire and their attitude towards using the e-learning system (Moodle). However, studies that examine the relationship between self-learning skills and students' attitudes towards using e-learning system have thus far been rare. This study adopted a descriptive correlation design and data were largely descriptive by nature. Two sets of questionnaires, namely, self-learning skills (SLS) and attitude towards using the e-learning system (ATUES) were used for data collection constructed by the researcher. The research reported in this study was carried out on 182 students at Shoubak University College. The results confirmed a strong relationship between the self-learning skills acquired by the students and their attitude towards using the e-learning system (Moodle). The level of self-learning skills acquisition by students was moderate, and it was concluded that students should have awareness regarding self-learning skills for the betterment of their future and the society as well. The results also showed that the students' attitudes towards using the e-learning system are positive; as such, self-learning skills acquisition by students should be improved, so that they are able to use the e-learning system (Moodle) effectively.
Keywords: self-learning skills; SLS; Shoubak University College; e-learning system; Moodle.
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2022 Vol.14 No.5/6, pp.487 - 499
Received: 23 Nov 2019
Accepted: 09 Jul 2020
Published online: 26 Oct 2022 *