Title: Utilisation-aware VM placement policy for workload consolidation in cloud data centres
Authors: Dipak Dabhi; Devendra Thakor
Addresses: Department of Computer Engineering, Chhotubhai Gopalbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, Gujarat, India ' Department of Computer Engineering, Chhotubhai Gopalbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, Gujarat, India
Abstract: In recent years, the demand for cloud services has risen. Data centres must have a growing number of servers to accommodate rising demand for cloud services, and data centres consume a lot of energy. Virtual machine consolidation (VMC) is a strategy for reducing energy consumption in data centres by shutting down underutilised servers while maintaining service levels (SLA). The VMC process is separated into four policies: overloaded host detection, underloaded host detection, virtual machine selection, and virtual machine deployment. The utilisation-aware VM placement (UAVMP) technique is presented in this research work, which efficiently selects the destination host for VMs migrating from overload/underload hosts based on the host's utilisation and resource skewness. The performance is assessed using the CloudSim simulator. When we compare UAVMP results with power-aware best fit decreasing (PABFD), modified best fit decreasing (MBFD), first fit (FF) and least fit (LF), we find that UAVMP outperforms all.
Keywords: cloud computing; VM consolidation; quality of service; QoS; service level agreement; SLA; VM selection; overload host detection; VM placement; underload host detection.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCNDS.2022.126224
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 2022 Vol.28 No.6, pp.704 - 726
Published online: 17 Oct 2022 *
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