Title: The efficient routing approach of a vehicle under the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup for reducing the fuel consumption and pollutants emission
Authors: Nilufa Yeasmin; Sultana Parveen
Addresses: Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur-1707, Bangladesh ' Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Abstract: The vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup (VRPSDP) has received significant attention in logistics operations to minimise the travelling distance or travelling time. However, little is known regarding the VRPSDP in logistics operations which is used to reduce the emission of CO2 in the environment (i.e., critical requirements of green logistics). Our study proposes the fuel-optimisation model for the vehicle under VRPSDP referred to as an eco-friendly VRPSDP model. This model aims to determine the efficient vehicle route that will reduce the vehicle's fuel consumption as well as decrease the negative impact on the environment. The genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to solve the proposed fuel optimisation model. Here, two types of genetic mutation operator, i.e. swap and inverse are used to find out which one would give the optimum results regarding fuel consumption. The computational tests show that that the inverse mutation performs better than the swap mutation and saves the fuel consumption of 4.1% over the swap mutation.
Keywords: fuel optimisation; vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pick up; genetic algorithm; swap mutation and inverse mutation; reverse logistics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2022.125002
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2022 Vol.41 No.4, pp.502 - 518
Received: 15 Dec 2019
Accepted: 28 Sep 2020
Published online: 22 Aug 2022 *