Title: Determining the effect of the turbocharger in a heavy-duty diesel engine using energy, exergy, sustainability and economic analysis
Authors: Erdem Özyurt; Halil İbrahim Topal; Mehmet Kopaç
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eskisehir Technical University, 26555, Eskisehir, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bulent Ecevit University, 67100, Zonguldak, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bulent Ecevit University, 67100, Zonguldak, Turkey
Abstract: The experiments of the 16-cylinder turbocharged heavy-duty diesel engine operating with two different turbochargers were conducted at a constant speed and variable load conditions. Energy, exergy, sustainability and thermoeconomic analyses were performed at various operating loads to determine the best operating load of each turbocharger. Energy analysis indicated that the most heat loss occurred at exhaust gases in higher load. Exergy analysis pointed out that the most exergy destruction appeared in the engine block in all tests conducted. In addition, thermoeconomic and exergoeconomic parameters increased in higher load.
Keywords: turbocharged diesel engine; energy-exergy analysis; sustainability; thermoeconomics.
International Journal of Exergy, 2022 Vol.39 No.1, pp.28 - 44
Received: 21 Mar 2021
Accepted: 09 Dec 2021
Published online: 08 Aug 2022 *