Title: The challenges and problems in the implementation of supply chain management in small and medium-scale industries: a case study of Indian coir industries
Authors: Debesh Mishra; Suchismita Satapathy
Addresses: SME, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India ' SME, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Abstract: For sustainable economic development, the rural or small or medium-scale industry play a vital role. By encouraging in setting-up of these industries in diverse regions of country will help in the attainment of political freedoms, economic freedoms and also in the foundation of newer social orders. The Indian coir industry has been regarded as one of the rural or small or medium scale industry when compared to other emerging industries. However, due to a number of constraints, the present coir industries are degrading in terms of their growth and development. An effective implementation of supply chain management (SCM) strategy would ensure in proper functioning of these coir sectors in a competitive level. Therefore, this study aimed at making a SWOT analysis of the existing coir industries in Odisha state in India, which was further followed by the identification of the challenges and problems for effective implementation of SCM strategies. Moreover, the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) method was used to find the interrelations among those challenging variables and to develop an interrelationship model followed by 'Matrice d'Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliquée á un Classement (MICMAC) ' analysis in order to have a wider vision on the present SCM implementation strategies and concerned issues.
Keywords: coir industries; challenges; strength; weaknesses; opportunities and threats; SWOT; supply chain management; SCM; factor-analysis; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; MICMAC; Odisha; India.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBPSCM.2022.124346
International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 2022 Vol.13 No.2, pp.109 - 138
Received: 12 Feb 2021
Accepted: 11 Sep 2021
Published online: 25 Jul 2022 *