Title: Crowdsourcing clinical research utilising blockchain-based incentivisation systems

Authors: Phillip Olla; Lauren Elliott; Mustafa Abumeeiz; Joshua Zegrean; Vijay Rajasekar

Addresses: Audacia Bioscience, 105-880 N Service Rd., Windsor, Ontario, N8X 3H6, Canada ' Audacia Bioscience, 105-880 N Service Rd., Windsor, Ontario, N8X 3H6, Canada ' Audacia Bioscience, 105-880 N Service Rd., Windsor, Ontario, N8X 3H6, Canada ' University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada ' Audacia Bioscience, 105-880 N Service Rd., Windsor, Ontario, N8X 3H6, Canada

Abstract: During the ongoing pandemic, the organisation of clinical trials has proven problematic for many researchers. Recruitment challenges aside, the need to maintain participant safety has made it difficult for researchers to enrol a suitable number of participants. As such, many researchers have had to adopt a virtual approach to conducting clinical trials. Virtual clinical trials have the potential to enable mass enrolment of participants in studies, ultimately 'crowdsourcing' clinical data. However, there remains a need to encourage participation in studies and protect data. To overcome this, an incentivisation system which can be trusted by participants and researchers has been discussed in this paper. Titled Cashish, this system is a blockchain-based incentivisation network that encourages participant recruitment by awarding cryptocurrency that can be used in marketplace transactions. Blockchain technology eliminates the need for trust-based systems and allows researchers to be transparent with participants while participants remain anonymous.

Keywords: blockchain; cryptocurrency; cannabis research; virtual clinical trials.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBC.2022.122986

International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, 2022 Vol.3 No.1, pp.1 - 15

Received: 09 May 2021
Accepted: 12 Aug 2021

Published online: 19 May 2022 *

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