Title: The challenge of the change management in an information and management systems unit: what strategy to manage the human resources?

Authors: Solange Hernandez, Nelly Scotti

Addresses: Centre d'Etudes Superieures en Management Public (CESMAP), Institut de Management Public et de Gouvernance Territoriale, 21, rue Gaston de Saporta, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France. ' Centre d'Etudes Superieures en Management Public (CESMAP), Institut de Management Public et de Gouvernance Territoriale, 21, rue Gaston de Saporta, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France

Abstract: Our research took place within the Data-processing Management and Network (DMN) of a state-owned health establishment. We presented the change and resistances to the change by making much of the concept of intentional action of change. The members of the organisation intending to introduce change should hold account of this latter in the development of their project. But how to integrate the probable resistance at the beginning of the creation of voluntary change step|s design? How to overcome these obstacles and how to succeed in applying the proposed change? This study confirmed the difficulties of the intentional actions of change.

Keywords: intentional actions; change; change management; human resources management; health care organisations; project management; quality certification; ISO 9001.

DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2007.012287

International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2007 Vol.7 No.1, pp.83 - 103

Published online: 02 Feb 2007 *

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