Title: Deriving the hierarchy measures of green advertising using AHP analysis for a sustainable environment

Authors: Jugal Kishor

Addresses: Presidency University, Bengaluru, India

Abstract: This research demonstrates that specified elements of green advertisement, viz. green brand name, green description, green visuals, and green logos, communicate the benefits of a product/service to society for sustainable development of the environment. Specifically, this research has covered the fraction of weights of a particular element of green advertisement that makes an advertisement more environmentally friendly and active over other elements using AHP analysis. This study examines which among green brand name, green description, green visuals, and green logos is more effective and constructive at creating a green advertisement, and deemed impressive to engage society to envisage environment fortification. Subsequently, green description was observed to be the preferred measure among the four measures of green advertisement. It is considered to be the best element to make an advertisement more productive and constructive to put society in a thought process in saving the environment.

Keywords: green advertising; green brand name; green description; green visual; green logo; sustainable environment; analytic hierarchy process; AHP.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2022.122744

International Journal of Business Excellence, 2022 Vol.26 No.4, pp.438 - 455

Received: 25 Aug 2019
Accepted: 11 Nov 2019

Published online: 10 May 2022 *

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