Title: Locus of control and investment decision: an investor's perspective
Authors: Som Nath Paul; Amar Kumar Mishra; Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay
Addresses: School of Management Studies, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India ' Department of Management Studies, Graphic Era (Deemed to be) University, Dehradun, India ' School of Management Studies, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India
Abstract: The ultimate objective of any investor is to maximise his return from the stock who is assumed to be perfectly rational. However, in real life, many investors are seen behaving irrationally as apart from the expected return there are various behavioural perspectives such as emotions, perceptions, psyche, and intuition that influence his decisions. The paper has attempted to explore the relation between the internal economic locus of control (ELC) and the intention of investment. Further, it has addressed the mechanism of the relation with the help of mediating variable risk perception. It is also an attempt to understand the influence of financial literacy on the relationship between locus of control and risk perception. The study found that risk perception has a positive mediating role in the relationship between economic locus of control and intention to invest and further financial literacy has a significant role as a moderator variable interacting with the internal ELC and risk perception.
Keywords: financial literacy; intention to invest; risk perception; economic locus of control.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2022.122736
International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 2022 Vol.13 No.2, pp.93 - 107
Received: 02 Nov 2020
Accepted: 04 Jul 2021
Published online: 09 May 2022 *