Title: Research on localisation algorithm of large irregular workpiece for industrial robot
Authors: Zhen Zheng; Shilin Wu; Qinxia Huang; Jun Yang
Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430200, China ' School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430200, China ' School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430200, China ' School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430200, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of large irregular workpiece positioning difficulty and large error, a new workpiece positioning method is presented. The research object of this paper is a large porous irregular workpiece with holes as the processing location of the workpiece. For this porous workpiece, a special calibration tool is designed and an appropriate calibration algorithm is selected to complete the calibration of the tool. And a relative calibration method is designed. This method uses a small number of holes on the workpiece as the calibration point, and combines the data of the 3D model of the workpiece to calculate the poses of all the holes of the workpiece. Using the robot teaching method, take the pose data of part of the hole on the workpiece, and calculate the calibration error by combining the hole pose obtained above. The experimental results show that the deviation meets the calibration requirements.
Keywords: industrial robots; large irregular workpieces; calibration of tools; workpiece positioning; calibration algorithm.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCSM.2022.122160
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 2022 Vol.15 No.1, pp.30 - 42
Received: 11 Aug 2020
Accepted: 12 Mar 2021
Published online: 11 Apr 2022 *