Title: From ecosystem to community. Combining entrepreneurship and university engagement in an open innovation perspective
Authors: Mariarosalba Angrisani; Davide Dell'Anno; Tom Hockaday
Addresses: LUPT 'Raffaele d'Ambrosio' Research Centre, University of Naples Federico II, Via Toledo 402, 80134, Napoli, Italy ' Department of Economics, University of Campania 'L. Vanvitelli', Corso Gran Priorato di Malta, 81043, Capua (CE), Italy ' Technology Transfer Innovation Ltd., Wykham Farm, Wykham Lane, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9UP, UK
Abstract: The paper provides a new perspective for the analysis of academic entrepreneurship dynamics in an evolving open innovation context. Starting from an overview of the innovation (eco) systems approach and a focus on university engagement, we propose a paradigm shift towards the conceptualisation of an innovation community (IC) within and around higher education institutions (HEIs) boundaries. The main goal of the study is to show that the concept of IC can be applied to a knowledge-intensive hub, where open innovation (OI) processes successfully enhance knowledge flows in the context of advanced education programs and spin-off firm creation and management. Our research is explorative in nature and structured around a multiple case study methodology. The outcomes confirm that the IC view can acquire a theoretical relevance when referring to OI contexts involving public, private and institutional sectors. Practical implications include a further framework for both technology transfer operators and institutions.
Keywords: innovation ecosystems; university engagement; innovation community; academic entrepreneurship; technology transfer; open innovation.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2022 Vol.88 No.1, pp.71 - 92
Received: 10 Apr 2020
Accepted: 15 Mar 2021
Published online: 14 Mar 2022 *