Title: Management of household hazardous waste: a review on global scenario

Authors: Nisansala Abeysinghe Mudiyanselage; Sunil Herat

Addresses: School of Environment, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Queensland 4111, Australia ' School of Engineering and Built Environment, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Queensland 4111, Australia

Abstract: Generation of household hazardous waste (HHW) has become a challenging problem due to rapid urbanisation and lifestyle changes. Even though the fraction of HHW is very low compared to the main residential waste stream, it has the potential to create severe impacts on environmental and public health. Hence, the proper management of HHW is essential. Currently, most countries in the world do not have proper mechanisms or legislation to manage HHW. A small proportion of HHW is separated and recycled whereas the majority is disposed of together with other municipal waste. Main drawbacks for HHW management are lack of awareness, lack of infrastructure and absence of defined legislation. Studies are carried out throughout the world to find measures such as using new technologies to mitigate the impacts of HHW.

Keywords: household hazardous waste; HHW; waste management.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2022.121211

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2022 Vol.29 No.2, pp.230 - 240

Received: 05 Feb 2019
Accepted: 13 Apr 2020

Published online: 01 Mar 2022 *

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