Title: Entrepreneurship, competitiveness and economic growth of Brazilian regions from North to South
Authors: Alexandre Oliveira Lima; Ruan Carlos Dos Santos; Antônia Márcia Rodrigues Sousa
Addresses: Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira – UNILAB, Sobral – CE, 60.050-101, Brazil ' Department of Administration and Finance, Centro Universitário Uniavan – AVANTIS, Balneário Camboriú – SC, 88339-125, Brazil; Department of Public Administration, Ecole Nationale D'Administration – ENA, Florianópolis – SC, 88034-000, Brazil ' Department of Administration, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS, Corumbá – MS, 79304-902, Brazil
Abstract: Entrepreneurship can help economic growth in some countries by the introduction of new products on the market or by the evolution of existing products, as much as by changes in the production process and increases in market competition. This research aims to analyse the determinants of the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth of five regions of Brazilian, it considers variables such as innovation, education, research and development, among others. For this purpose, we established a quantitative approach through Production Function Cobb-Douglas, from 2002 to 2019. The results indicate regional economic growth is positively driven by entrepreneurship, in the North, Northeast and Southeast; and negatively in the South; is variable and not significant in the Midwest Region. However, the economic growth drives positively entrepreneurship in the Midwest and Southeast, but this relationship was not found in the Northeast and South, as well the 'economic growth' variable is not relevant for the development of entrepreneurship in North.
Keywords: entrepreneurship; competition; economic growth; entrepreneurial activities; innovation; development countries; market environment; entrepreneurial capital; economically active population; education.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 2021 Vol.13 No.6, pp.632 - 661
Accepted: 02 Sep 2021
Published online: 19 Jan 2022 *