Title: Microsoft Windows XP and the diffusion of domestic home networks
Authors: Alan D. Smith
Addresses: Robert Morris University, Department of Management and Marketing, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3099, USA.
Abstract: The internet has changed household as well as workplace expectations dramatically, with the Web-enabled generation expecting answers and results almost instantaneously and with 24/7 availability. However, as of late September 2001, only 6% US households had home networks installed and of those remaining, a mere 13% expressed an interest in installing one. Based on these developments and the dynamics of modern communications, namely the internet, Microsoft can be positively viewed as a serious change agent that wants its clients to purchase Windows XP to install as an important component of home networks. Microsoft is functioning as a change agent with regard to Diffusion of Innovations Theory and will accelerate the rate of diffusion of home networks in US households with the Windows XP release. They are also acting as a change agent by working through communications channels such as the internet, advertisements, product demonstrations and salespeople and trying to get the public to adopt Microsoft XP and home networks.
Keywords: change agents; diffusion of innovations theory; home networking technology; Microsoft Windows XP; domestic networks; internet; communications.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2007.011977
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2007 Vol.2 No.3, pp.239 - 249
Published online: 07 Jan 2007 *
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