Title: Performance comparison of multipath routing protocols for mobile ad hoc network
Authors: Sanjeev Kumar Prasad; Tripti Sharma
Addresses: Department School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, NCR, India ' Department Computer Science and Engineering, Inderprastha Engineering College, NCR, India
Abstract: In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), nodes are connected by multihop wireless connections and topology is changing very frequently due to movement of nodes. Therefore, it leads to the need of efficient dynamic routing protocols. Many routing protocols have been proposed for communication in dynamic environments and it is observed that multipath routing protocols are more preferred over the single path routing protocols in terms of many network parameters such as delay, energy consumption etc. These protocols are designed to fulfil the requirements of communication in the network. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine the difference between multipath routing protocols when operating in large-area MANETs with the help of constant bit rate, and variable bit rate data-traffic patterns; and these traffic patterns applied on the network with the different speeds and varying simulation pause time. This paper tests the performance of the following multipath protocols AOMDV, BAOMDV, BAMR, and LLECP-AOMDV on the NS-2 network platform.
Keywords: mobile ad hoc networks; MANET; multipath; routing; bandwidth; traffic patterns.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSCC.2022.119714
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 2022 Vol.13 No.1, pp.82 - 98
Received: 19 Jun 2020
Accepted: 19 Mar 2021
Published online: 16 Dec 2021 *