Title: Adopting enterprise resource planning (ERP) in higher education: a SWOT analysis
Authors: Mohamed Soliman; K. Noorliza
Addresses: School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia ' School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Abstract: Despite many studies of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, research on ERP systems within the competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is scant due to some barriers to its adoption. This article focuses on SWOT analysis as a situational investigation to describe the current situation of the ERP system in HEIs. A survey of 112 Egyptian HEIs provides data to investigate factors affecting ERP adoption. The results prove HEIs are technologically ready for ERP system adoption. Though slightly uncertain, managers have a cheerful ERP readiness, expecting some ERP inhibitors. The novel contributions formulate knowledge of benefits and values that determine ERP adoption among Egyptian HEIs through eliminating any internal and external barriers and security concerns that threaten the adoption. The study recommends ERP adoption for HEIs' sustained competitive advantage and long-term success and further research into the ERP system.
Keywords: higher education; HEIs; SWOT; ERP adoption; ERP value; ERP readiness; ERP benefits; competitive advantage; Egypt.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2022.119681
International Journal of Management in Education, 2022 Vol.16 No.1, pp.20 - 39
Received: 30 Jan 2020
Accepted: 23 Nov 2020
Published online: 14 Dec 2021 *