Title: Kitchen in cloud: an analysis of the food tech industry in India
Authors: Jeevesh Sharma; Suhasini Verma
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Manipal University Jaipur, India ' Department of Business Administration, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Abstract: Changing lifestyle, the advancement of information technology and the wider use of the smartphone have greatly increased the ordering of food from online platforms in India. This opportunity is attracting many start-ups and established companies in the food tech industry making this segment very competitive. This growing competition along with the fact that the segment is in its nascent stage calls for guidance to the companies on how to remain competitive, strengthen their position and increase their market share. To answer such questions, the research paper has analysed the business model, strategies, scalability, and funding of the prominent companies of the food tech industry in India. The research is descriptive and analytical in nature and based on the secondary data. The study compares the selected food tech companies, operating in India, in terms of their annual turnover, funding and valuation to assess the impact of these on the market share of food tech companies.
Keywords: food tech; market share; valuation; business model; India.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.117720
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2021 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.190 - 204
Received: 23 Feb 2019
Accepted: 16 Jan 2020
Published online: 22 Sep 2021 *