Title: Can espousal of Islamic advertising practices by organisations increase brand credibility in Pakistani Muslim consumers? An empirical study
Authors: Ahmed Raza
Addresses: Department of Management Science, Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST), Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract: This study aimed to assess TV advertisements' compliance with the Islamic ethical framework, the impact of Muslim consumers' perceptions of advertisements on brand credibility, and the viability of Islamic advertising as an alternative. A sample of 352 respondents was surveyed using both print and online questionnaires from Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The time frame of the study was cross-sectional. The data gathered was then subjected to IBM SPSS 25 and SmartPLS 3. The findings show a moderate correlation of Islamic religiosity with Islamic ethical perceptions of advertisements and brand credibility. In contrast, Islamic ethical perceptions of advertisements have a potent effect, both directly and as a mediator, on brand credibility. Furthermore, these suggest that organisations' espousal of Islamic advertising can increase a brand's credibility. Lastly, it presents an evidence-based approach to get consistent results with SPSS and SmartPLS regarding formative constructs using the repeated indicators approach.
Keywords: Islamic religiosity; Muslim consumers; Islamic advertising; brand credibility; Islamic ethics; unethical advertising; Islamic marketing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2021.117593
International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding, 2021 Vol.6 No.1, pp.36 - 59
Received: 21 Mar 2021
Accepted: 02 May 2021
Published online: 14 Sep 2021 *