Title: An upgraded model of query expansion using inverse-term frequency with pertinent response for internet of things
Authors: Surbhi Sharma; Abhishek Kumar; Rashmi Agrawal
Addresses: Jaipur Engineering College and Research Center University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ' Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India ' Faculty of Computer Applications, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, India
Abstract: The IOT plays an important role for recent internet access-based task to future internet and information retrieval and it is a field which is relate our study to the structure, examination, association, accumulation, looking, and recovery of data. The objective of this paper is to search the query development strategy utilising reverse term recurrence to improve the proficiency and exactness of the data recovery framework and its accuracy in query processing, which leads to most recent trusted digitising trend IOT. As the technique for assessment of query development, we will expel irrelevant, excess and uncertain words from the recovered report dependent on client query. In proposed work, we present another technique for query expansion (QE) which depends on inverse term recurrence with importance criticism after getting the top regenerated records in query expansion than they are used as an importance criticism for extra QE terms and developing applicant terms. For evaluate the score, proposed system select score of the exceptional terms and applying inverse term frequency (ITF) to reduce the rank of terms. These terms will channel through semantic activity and adding pertinent response to extended query which will again send to the system for generate the result.
Keywords: inverse-term frequency; ITF; query expansion; precision; KLD-mean; semantic similarity; term-pooling; internet of things; IoT.
DOI: 10.1504/IJITST.2021.117421
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 2021 Vol.11 No.5/6, pp.529 - 544
Received: 28 Jan 2020
Accepted: 05 May 2020
Published online: 06 Sep 2021 *