Title: Social entrepreneurs' venture launch intention: exploring the role of cognitive determinants
Authors: Tanusree Chakraborty; Madhurima Ganguly; Nandita Mishra
Addresses: Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Area, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, India ' Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Area, Heritage Business School, Kolkata, 700107, India ' Economics & General Management, Chetana's Institute of Management & Research, Bandra East, Mumbai, 400051, India
Abstract: The present paper tries to: 1) understand the cognitive determinants of the entrepreneurs who engage in business models in order to serve the poor; 2) see the role of altruism in social entrepreneurial venture launch; 3) check whether social entrepreneurs are generalists or specialists in their field. For this purpose the study takes a data triangulation approach. To capture different dimensions of the cognitive determinants of serving the poor, the study has employed interview method, focus group discussion and use of questionnaires. The study found that cognitive determinants studied in the present paper are guiding factors for developing a business model to help the poor, altruism has a moderating role on the relation between cognitive determinants and social venture launch, and that social entrepreneurs have a wide range of experience and generic knowledge in variety of fields as compared to specific knowledge in one area.
Keywords: social entrepreneurship; social enterprise; cognitive determinants; altruism; cognitive ability; poor; entrepreneurs' knowledge; attributes; venture launch.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2021 Vol.28 No.4, pp.403 - 434
Received: 15 Dec 2018
Accepted: 20 Jun 2019
Published online: 01 Sep 2021 *