Title: Shaped normalised reactor period function: definition, properties, and application
Authors: Shantanu Das, Bibhuranjan Basudeb Biswas
Addresses: Reactor Control Division BARC, Mumbai, India. ' Reactor Control Division BARC, Mumbai, India
Abstract: Simplicity in defining the reactor operation through shaped normalised reactor period function, helps to define control laws for efficient reactor control. This function is invariant for any set-manoeuvring rate, consistent with reactor physics rules, and thus generates control laws close to physics. This paper deals with the derivation, properties and application of the normalised shaped reactor period function. This function is already applied for reactor control of PHWR 540 MW.
Keywords: shaped normalised reactor period function; log-rate hyperbola; absolute reactor period; derivative terms; reactor regulating systems; discretisation time; log-power counts; reactor control; nuclear reactors; nuclear power; nuclear energy; reactor operation; control laws; PHWR; pressurised heavy water reactors; nuclear science; nuclear technology.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2006.011715
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2006 Vol.2 No.4, pp.309 - 327
Published online: 19 Dec 2006 *
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