Title: Company innovation potential and how to measure it
Authors: Miroslav Špaček
Addresses: University of Economics and Management, Nárožní 2600/9a, 15800 Prague, Czech Republic
Abstract: The purpose of the paper was to illustrate and substantiate specific approach to innovation potential measurement by means of the complex indicator. The approach to the construction of the index was supported by qualitative research that included questionnaire survey, contextual interviews and case studies. The sample consisted of more than 50 Czech companies the size of which varied from middle to big ones. This research was complemented by semi-structured interviews conducted with innovation managers and specialist. The research resulted in the construction of the complex index ('index') that is suitable for the measurement of company innovation indicator. The model was validated by testing the index on the example of 15 companies. The research was aimed at the elaboration of complex innovation index that would include all relevant factors and enable measuring company innovation potential. The main practical implication was software-based application that facilitates the calculation of innovation potential index was developed. The paper consolidates factors that are essential for company innovation potential measurement into one complex indicator that is easy to interpret. No similar approach has been addressed yet. The paper brings clarity to the issue of measuring innovation potential in companies. It also offers solution to this problem.
Keywords: innovation measurement; complex innovation indicator; innovation performance; innovation potential.
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2021 Vol.13 No.4/5, pp.544 - 572
Received: 10 Sep 2019
Accepted: 03 Nov 2019
Published online: 29 Jul 2021 *