Title: Deterministic methods versus biologically inspired methods: optimal sizing of a PV-WT-BESS system for street lighting
Authors: Mohamed Hascuri; Mustapha Ait Rami; Mostafa Derrhi
Addresses: LTI, ENSA Tangier, Route de Ziaten Km 10, Tanger Principale, BP, 1818, Tangier, Morocco ' LSCD, ENSIT, Villa N. 131, Angle Taki-Edine Al Hilali, Rue Ibn Atia, Tangier, Morocco ' LTI, ENSA Tangier, Route de Ziaten Km 10, Tanger Principale, BP, 1818, Tangier, Morocco
Abstract: This paper provides a comparison between deterministic methods and biologically inspired methods for the optimal sizing of a PV-WT-BESS system. Moreover, an appropriate sizing model is provided. As an application, we consider a public street lighting for supplying a location in the city of Tangier. On one hand, based on this application, we show that branch and cut algorithm (BCA) and branch and bound algorithm (BBA) are highly accurate and efficient than the extensively used genetic algorithm (GA) and ant colony algorithm (ACA) that are shown to fail in finding not only a satisfactory solution, but even a feasible solution for our case study. On the other hand, we show that BCA is more efficient than BBA with regard to execution time and optimality. Finally, the BCA solution is selected as a suitable basis of a detailed analysis on the performance and the economic evaluation for the optimal sizing of the proposed public lighting installation.
Keywords: PV-WT-BESS systems; mixed integer linear programming; public lighting; biologically inspired algorithms; renewable energy; deterministic methods; genetic algorithm; ant colony algorithm; branch and bound; branch and cut.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRET.2021.116601
International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, 2021 Vol.12 No.3, pp.201 - 220
Received: 11 Oct 2019
Accepted: 20 Nov 2020
Published online: 28 Jul 2021 *