Title: Corporate entrepreneurship: internal factors of influence in educational institutions under the perception of Generations X and Y
Authors: Eliana Andréa Severo; Juliana Carvalho De Sousa; Carolina Barbosa Montenegro; Raniery Christiano De Queiroz Pimenta
Addresses: Department of Professional Master in Business Management, University Center FBV (UNIFBV), Jean Emile Favre, 422, 51200-060, Recife-PE, Brazil ' Department of Doctorate and Master in Business Administration (PPGA-UnP), University Potiguar (UnP), Roberto Freire, 2184, 59082-902, Natal-RN, Brazil ' Department of Doctorate and Master in Business Administration (PPGA-UnP), University Potiguar (UnP), Roberto Freire, 2184, 59082-902, Natal-RN, Brazil ' Department of Doctorate and Master in Business Administration (PPGA-UnP), University Potiguar (UnP), Roberto Freire, 2184, 59082-902, Natal-RN, Brazil
Abstract: This study aims to analyse the influence of internal organisational dimensions on corporate entrepreneurship, as well as investigate the influences of Generations X and Y in this process, by investigating 314 education professionals from different states of Brazil. This is a quantitative, descriptive survey, through exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression. The results show that the prominent dimension was that of management support, presenting a moderate result regarding the influence on the corporate entrepreneurship (CE). The other dimensions: work autonomy, rewards and motivations, time availability and organisational limits presented negligible results, which demonstrates a low power of influence over the CE. In addition, the findings revealed that Generation X has a greater moderating power in the relationship between management support and the EC with a moderate power of influence, while also highlighting the organisational limits construct, however, with low moderating power. Generation Y overlaps in the aspects of compensation/motivation, time availability and autonomy at work, however, with low moderating power.
Keywords: corporate entrepreneurship; educational institutions; Generations X and Y.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2021 Vol.29 No.4, pp.449 - 474
Received: 26 Feb 2020
Accepted: 15 Jun 2020
Published online: 07 Jun 2021 *