Title: The moderating effect of supply chain eco-centricity between green supply chain management practices and firm performance
Authors: Abdallah Q. Bataineh
Addresses: Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business, Middle East University, Amman, Airport Road, Jordan
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the moderating effect of supply chain eco-centricity on the relationship between green supply chain management dimensions firm's performance. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed on three well-known firms in the industrial sector in Aqaba-Jordan, from which total (313) questionnaires were administered to selected respondents. The study used descriptive statistics and multiple regression models to determine the level of significance among selected variables. Findings revealed that green procurement significantly and positively affect firm's performance. The results of the multiple regression analysis revealed that there is no significant effect of supply chain eco-centricity in the relationship between green supply chain management dimensions and firm's performance in the industrial sector, p > 0.05 (p = 0.9057). Conclusively, the result implied that an increase in performance of manufacturing firms is likely through embracing green procurement practices within the upstream of supply chain.
Keywords: green supply chain management; green procurement; green manufacturing; green distribution; supply chain eco-centricity; Jordan.
International Journal of Procurement Management, 2021 Vol.14 No.3, pp.328 - 341
Received: 29 Nov 2019
Accepted: 25 Dec 2019
Published online: 14 May 2021 *