Title: Conjunctive use modelling and application of Jaya algorithm for optimisation in multi-crop irrigation

Authors: Pawan N. Bhavsar; Jayantilal N. Patel

Addresses: S.V. National Institute of Technology, Pin-395007, Surat, India ' S.V. National Institute of Technology, Pin-395007, Surat, India

Abstract: A linear conjunctive use mathematical model is developed for an effective irrigation purpose. Objective of the model is to maximise the net benefit from the available land and available crops without changing the cropping pattern. Conjunctive model was developed and subjected to various constraints. The developed model is being solved by Jaya algorithm. The results obtained by Jaya area validated by widely used optimisation tool LINGO. Optimisation results shows that, to maximise the net benefit all other cultivable area (except sugarcane) has to be reduced by 7%-15%. Overall net benefit is increased to 5%-10% in any given area. From the results it has been concluded that, by utilising both canal water and ground water, canal water can be saved up to 40% which can be used for the other purposes or it can be shared with the neighbouring state.

Keywords: irrigation; conjunctive use; linear programming; Jaya algorithm; crop water requirement; LINGO software package.

DOI: 10.1504/IJHST.2021.114553

International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 2021 Vol.11 No.3, pp.321 - 332

Accepted: 15 Sep 2019
Published online: 27 Apr 2021 *

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