Title: Product acceptance: service preference based on e-service quality using g-rough set theory
Authors: Mohammad Ehsan Souri; Reza Sheikh; Fatemeh Sajjadian; Shib Sankar Sana
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Farabi College, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Shahrood University of Technology, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Mathematics, Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nivedita College, R.K. Sarani, Kolkata, 700060, India
Abstract: Nowadays, the competitive environment of e-services companies has made them deliver high quality of services. In fact, the perceived quality of e-services by consumers which determines their behaviour towards products is defined as product acceptance. Consumers have a powerful potential to pass their experiences to other consumers. In this regard, this study intends to detect the rules determining the behaviour of consumers in product acceptance based on the perceived quality of e-services. Accordingly, 407 questionnaires were distributed among online retailers' consumers and then grey rough set theory was applied to analyse them. Perceived quality dimensions and net promoter score (NPS) were determined as the condition and decision attribute, respectively. Finally, the six rules determining the behaviour of consumers were extracted through the data analysis process. Furthermore, the results showed that efficiency, system availability, fulfilment, responsiveness, and contact are the most important factors determining product acceptance.
Keywords: consumer behaviour; rough set theory; grey system; net promoter score; NPS; service quality; product acceptance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2021.114076
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2021 Vol.37 No.4, pp.527 - 543
Received: 28 Mar 2019
Accepted: 24 Jul 2019
Published online: 08 Apr 2021 *