Title: Influence of financial literacy, financial attitude, and parental income on personal financial management behaviour: a case study on the millennial generation in Indonesia
Authors: Anisah Firli; Afna Dalilah
Addresses: School of Economics and Business,Universitas Telkom, Indonesia ' School of Economics and Business,Universitas Telkom, Indonesia
Abstract: Personal financial management behaviour is used to observe the financial behaviour of individuals on the basis of psychological factors. This study aimed to examine influential variables, namely, financial literacy, financial attitude, and parental income, and their significance to the personal financial management behaviour of members of the millennial generation. Multiple linear regression was used to analyse questionnaires given to millennial respondents. Results showed that financial literacy and financial attitude had an influence on personal financial management behaviour, whereas parental income did not have an influence on personal financial management behaviour.
Keywords: personal financial management behaviour; financial literacy; financial attitude; parental income.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTGM.2021.114066
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2021 Vol.14 No.2, pp.206 - 212
Received: 17 May 2019
Accepted: 11 Nov 2019
Published online: 08 Apr 2021 *