Title: Advertising to Muslim consumers: a holistic view from the Islamic perspective

Authors: Mohammed Abdur Razzaque

Addresses: School of Marketing, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

Abstract: This paper presents a holistic view of advertising from the Islamic perspective. It presents a synthesis of relevant materials drawn from the Holy Qur'an, Hadith (i.e., teachings of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh), and the works of Muslim as well as non-Muslim scholars, past and present. The market mechanism in an Islamic system has some fundamental differences with the typical Western market mechanism which adds to the complexity of devising advertising strategies for Muslim consumers. The paper discusses various Islamic tenets and their implications on marketing in general and advertising in particular; it is expected to provide some food for thought for researchers and marketers interested in advertising to Muslim consumers.

Keywords: Islamic market; advertising; marketing; Qur'an; Hadith; Muslim consumers; Generation M.

DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2020.113157

International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding, 2020 Vol.5 No.3, pp.228 - 245

Received: 28 Aug 2020
Accepted: 03 Oct 2020

Published online: 22 Feb 2021 *

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