Title: Computational fluid dynamics modelling to design and optimise power kites for renewable power generation

Authors: Christopher Pegg; Yatin Suri; Sheikh Zahidul Islam; Abhishek Asthana; Mamdud Hossain

Addresses: School of Engineering, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK ' School of Engineering, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK ' School of Engineering, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK ' Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK ' School of Engineering, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK

Abstract: Power kites provide the potential rewards of obtaining the disused energy supply from high altitude wind. This paper aims to provide a design of power kite and optimise the potential for renewable power generation. The power kite was modelled using computational fluid dynamics to study its characteristics. The numerical modelling results were compared against the wind tunnel experimental study and two 3D printed power kites. The design was optimised using several variables, of which include aerofoil choice, surface roughness, wind speed and operating parameters. The results suggest that operating the kites at minimum 15 m horizontal separation is favourable, with the trailing kite operating below the leading, removing the potential for this kite to operate in the wake turbulence of the first. This paper presents relevant, applicable data which can be used for predicting the performance, and potentially optimising further power kite design.

Keywords: power kites; computational fluid dynamics; CFD; wind energy; renewable power generation; surface roughness; aerofoil; kite optimisation; billows; drag coefficient; lift coefficient.

DOI: 10.1504/IJDE.2020.113057

International Journal of Design Engineering, 2020 Vol.9 No.2, pp.81 - 100

Received: 11 Dec 2019
Accepted: 06 Jul 2020

Published online: 16 Feb 2021 *

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