Title: Risk assessment of failure in high-speed grinding of rotors during manufacturing process - a case study
Authors: José Cristiano Pereira; Marcelo D. Fragoso
Addresses: Department of Systems and Control, National Laboratory of Scientific Computing, Petropolis, RJ 25651-075, Brazil ' Department of Systems and Control, National Laboratory of Scientific Computing, Petropolis, RJ 25651-075, Brazil
Abstract: This paper discusses potential risks and typical scenarios pertaining to high-speed grinding (HSG) of rotors. The identification of risks and implementation of adequate responses is very important and can avoid part failure and costly accidents. Experts identified the risk categories and the associated risk factors, which were used in fault tree analysis to estimate the probability of occurrence of each risk category. AHP was utilised to rank the relative importance (impact) of risk categories. The combination of probability and the impact revealed the most significant risks. The study concludes that the risks with the highest scores are operator failure, uncorrected method and negative organisation factors. Risk responses are also suggested, making this study an invaluable source of information for rotor manufacturing/maintenance professionals, safety engineers concerned with the design, reliability, production assurance and safety aspects of rotor manufacturing. The identification of risk factors improves quality and ensure organisation sustainability.
Keywords: risk assessment; fault tree analysis; analytic hierarchy process; high-speed grinding; rotors.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2020.112274
International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, 2020 Vol.9 No.3, pp.148 - 167
Accepted: 24 Mar 2020
Published online: 06 Jan 2021 *