Title: Embracing balance in early childhood education: the case of awakening to languages pedagogy
Authors: Mohamed Ridha Ben Maad
Addresses: Institut Supérieur des Cadres de l'Enfance, University of Carthage, 26 Avenue Taieb Mhiri, Carthage Dermech 2016 Tunis, Tunisia
Abstract: In view of the drastic changes prompted by globalisation, the educational institution is more than ever concerned with preparing future generations to grapple with the new exigencies. Among the emerging ideas that may benefit such endeavour is embracing balance as a fundamental concept in early-years curricula where academic achievement and personal fulfilment even out in primacy. Building on an account of the Tunisian preschool experience as a case in point, the present paper offers a rationale for a vision that promotes balance in response to the fuzziness plaguing this educational sector. It therefore opts for the awakening to languages pedagogy as an approachable illustration of such vision among others.
Keywords: early childhood education; ECE; awakening to languages; ATL; personal fulfilment; balanced curriculum.
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2021 Vol.13 No.1, pp.92 - 106
Received: 10 Oct 2018
Accepted: 21 May 2019
Published online: 08 Dec 2020 *