Title: Deformation control method for inorganic biological coating materials under tensile loading

Authors: Peng Wang; Ningchao Zhang

Addresses: Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, China ' Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, China

Abstract: In order to overcome the problem of long control period in traditional material deformation control methods, a new method for controlling the deformation of inorganic biological coating materials under tensile loading is proposed. This method classifies inorganic biological coating materials and studies the properties of different materials. By improving the preparation process of inorganic biological coating material, its strength was enhanced and deformation was restrained. Based on the above materials, the inorganic biological coating material is reprocessed by heat treatment and cold hardening, and the deformation compensation technology is adopted to further control the deformation of inorganic biological coating material. Experimental results show that the method in this paper can reduce the material deformation by 3.34%, and the control effect is good. The control period is always less than ten hours and the control period is short, which provides an important reference for the optimisation of inorganic biological coating materials.

Keywords: tensile load; inorganic biological coating materials; deformation; control.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2020.110112

International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2020 Vol.60 No.2/3/4, pp.138 - 160

Received: 27 Sep 2019
Accepted: 24 Apr 2020

Published online: 06 Oct 2020 *

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