Title: Cross-functional teams and innovation performance: the case of multinational enterprises
Authors: Isaac Nana Akuffo
Addresses: School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Liivi 4, 304, Tartu, Tartumaa, 50409, Estonia
Abstract: This study reviewed cross-functional teams and innovation performance of multi-national enterprise from 2008 to 2019. 107 studies were retrieved from EBSCO Discovery, Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus, and Google scholar. However, only 18 studies out of the 107 related to the review; the remaining studies did not have a direct bearing on the topic under discussion. Two research questions guided this review: 1) how does CFT relate to IP with or without consideration of other factors?; 2) is there consistency in measurement and indicators of IP? The review shows that scant studies have been conducted in the area in the last ten years. It also revealed that methods employed in measuring IP were not consistent, and other factors influence that relationship between CFT and IP. Future studies must employ longitudinal design instead of a survey. Managerial implications and recommendation are discussed.
Keywords: cross-functional teams; CFTs; innovation performance; multinational enterprise.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEXPORTM.2020.107720
International Journal of Export Marketing, 2020 Vol.3 No.3, pp.204 - 218
Received: 06 Nov 2019
Accepted: 27 Jan 2020
Published online: 10 Jun 2020 *