Title: National system for prevention of nuclear and radiological terrorism in Lithuania
Authors: Gendrutis Morkunas, Gintautas Klevinskas
Addresses: Radiation Protection Centre, Kalvariju 153, Vilnius LT-08221, Lithuania. ' Radiation Protection Centre, Kalvariju 153, Vilnius LT-08221, Lithuania
Abstract: Minimisation of the threat posed by nuclear and radiological terrorism and mitigation of its impact is one of the most important tasks for any state. Prevention of the diversion of nuclear and radioactive material is related to a number of measures, which include the physical protection of the nuclear industry, readiness for investigation of the appropriate incidents and accidents, emergency preparedness. In Lithuania, the responsibilities and organisational measures of physical protection are covered in state legislation. They are continually improved, taking into account all the related recent developments. Experience shows that physical protection should be used in connection with other measures, such as regulatory control, detection and analysis of radioactive and nuclear material. Consequences for society of a terrorist attack might be mitigated by emergency preparedness. This paper discusses issues related to the prevention of nuclear and radiological terrorism in Lithuania, with emphasis on radiation protection aspects.
Keywords: nuclear terrorism; radiological terrorism; prevention; physical protection; radiation protection; emergency preparedness; radioactive materials; nuclear materials; detection; analysis; nuclear energy; nuclear power; Lithuania; emergency management; nuclear safety; nuclear law; terrorist attacks.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNUCL.2006.010731
International Journal of Nuclear Law, 2006 Vol.1 No.3, pp.296 - 303
Published online: 21 Aug 2006 *
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