Title: Exergetic analysis of human respiratory system including effect of age and gender
Authors: Abhijit Dutta; Himadri Chattopadhyay
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, MCKV Institute of Engineering, Liluah, Howrah 711204, West Bengal, India; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, West Bengal, India ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, West Bengal, India
Abstract: In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyse the exergetic efficiency of human respiratory system including effect of age and gender. From the analysis it has been observed that, exergy transfer per day is maximum for muscular work followed by breathing air and net work transfer. Exergy transfer rate per day due to breathing increases with the increase in level of activity. Exergy transfer rate of the respiratory system decreases with the increase in ambient air temperature. Respiratory efficiency reduces with the increase in level of activities. Higher inspiratory air temperature leads to reduction of respiratory performance. In this work, it has been shown that, at physiological conditions of rest, moderate exercise or intense exercise, male respiratory performance increases up to age of thirty and then it decreases gradually and finally attains the initial level. On the other hand, respiratory performance of females' decreases from the age of 20-30 and then gradually it regains its initial magnitude. After that it remains almost constant till the age up to 80.
Keywords: exergetic efficiency; respiratory system; hypothermia; hyperthermia; physiological condition; Hb.
International Journal of Exergy, 2020 Vol.31 No.4, pp.370 - 385
Received: 15 Aug 2019
Accepted: 18 Oct 2019
Published online: 07 May 2020 *