Title: Usage of meshfree methods in reliability analysis
Authors: Artemis Kloess, Hui-Ping Wang, Mark E. Botkin
Addresses: Vehicle Development Research Lab, General Motors R&D Center, Mail Code 480-106-256, 30500 Mound Road, Warren, MI 48090-9055, USA. ' Vehicle Development Research Lab, General Motors R&D Center, Mail Code 480-106-256, 30500 Mound Road, Warren, MI 48090-9055, USA. ' Vehicle Development Research Lab, General Motors R&D Center, Mail Code 480-106-256, 30500 Mound Road, Warren, MI 48090-9055, USA
Abstract: This paper describes the use of meshfree methods for response and design sensitivity calculations within structural reliability analysis when geometric shape is a random variable. Brief descriptions of meshfree methods and advanced probabilistic methods are provided. An existing interface between the probabilistic analysis and traditional finite element method is modified to allow the use of meshfree methods for response and design sensitivity calculations within the probabilistic analysis routine. Three examples that treat design shape and thickness as random variables are presented to assess the accuracy and use of meshfree methods for reliability analysis.
Keywords: meshfree methods; probabilistic analysis; structural reliability analysis; shape design sensitivity; reliability based design optimisation; RBDO; vehicle design; automobile industry; automotive design.
International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2006 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.120 - 136
Published online: 19 Aug 2006 *
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