Title: MHR-T power-technological complex: safety aspects
Authors: V.D. Safutin, Yu.I. Petrov, V.Yu. Yamov
Addresses: St. Petersburg, ul. Savushkina, 82, FSUE 'LI 'VNIPIET', Russia. ' St. Petersburg, ul. Savushkina, 82, FSUE 'LI 'VNIPIET', Russia. ' St. Petersburg, ul. Savushkina, 82, FSUE 'LI 'VNIPIET', Russia
Abstract: The paper deals with the safety assurance aspects of a power-technological complex for large-scale hydrogen production (MHR-T PTC) combining the innovative nuclear and hydrogen processes. It reviews practical realisation of the nuclear-hydrogen concept developed in early 1970s on the basis of high-temperature helium reactor plants of the fourth MHR-T generation, which allows production of high-temperature heat, 1000°C, for its simultaneous use in hydrogen production and electricity generation.
Keywords: nuclear hydrogen power; technology innovation; nuclear technology; hydrogen technology; gas turbine modular helium reactors; large-scale hydrogen production; safety assurance; economics; electricity generation; nuclear reactors; nuclear energy; nuclear power.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2006.010652
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2006 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.103 - 110
Published online: 10 Aug 2006 *
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