Title: Radioactive waste management experience of Moscow SIA 'Radon'
Authors: S.A. Dmitriev, F.A. Lifanov, A.P. Kobelev, A.E. Savkin
Addresses: Government of Moscow, Scientific and industrial association 'Radon', Russia. ' Government of Moscow, Scientific and industrial association 'Radon', Russia. ' Government of Moscow, Scientific and industrial association 'Radon', Russia. ' Government of Moscow, Scientific and industrial association 'Radon', Russia
Abstract: Vitrification and cementation are used for conditioning liquid radioactive waste (LRW) at SIA |Radon|. More than 2000 m³ of LRW are treated on the vitrification plant and 100,000 m³ of LRW on cementation plants. For clearing LRW are used the filtration, ultra filtration, reverse osmosis, selective sorption, ion exchange, and oxidation. For treatment NPP bottom concentrates the technology of selective sorption have been developed. The technology has passed approbation on pilot plants of different NPP. For treatment of solid radioactive waste the incineration, plasma incineration, compaction with effort of 100 and 1500 tons are used. On plants more than 50,000 m³ have been treated.
Keywords: vitrification; cementation; liquid radioactive waste; nuclear power plants; bottom concentrates; radioactive silts; plasma incineration; compaction; radioactive waste management; nuclear waste; nuclear energy; Russia; nuclear power; nuclear safety; radiation safety; selective sorption; filtration; reverse osmosis; ion exchange; oxidation; nuclear technology.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2006.010650
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2006 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.84 - 95
Published online: 10 Aug 2006 *
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