Title: Development of the RAW and SNF handling system in the Federal Atomic Energy Agency and in the Russian Federation
Authors: Alexander M. Agapov
Addresses: Department of Safety, MINATOM, 24/26, B, Ordynka Street, Moscow 119017, Russia
Abstract: The experience the Russian Federation has gained over the period longer than half a century in handling radioactive wastes (RAW), including their burial in geological formations, is quite unique. These guidelines state the necessity of establishing an integrated state RAW and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) handling system, ensuring safe, effective, efficient, and socially-acceptable development of using nuclear power to solve issues of national security in all its aspects and utilising secondary recovered and re-used raw materials. This system is increasing safety of handling radioactive materials at all stages of their life cycle.
Keywords: guidelines; radioactive waste; spent nuclear fuel; security; socially acceptable; re-use; Russian Federation; radioactive materials handling; nuclear safety; radiation safety; nuclear power; nuclear energy; nuclear science; nuclear technology.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2006.010642
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2006 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.1 - 7
Published online: 10 Aug 2006 *
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