Title: New version of library of dose kernels of photons pencil beam and their analytical approximation
Authors: V.A. Klimanov; M.A. Kolyvanova; A.N. Moiseev
Addresses: National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, 115409, Kashirskoe shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia; Federal Medical Biophysical Centre, A.I. Burnazyana 123098, Givopisnaya, 46, Moscow, Russia ' Federal Medical Biophysical Centre, A.I. Burnazyana 123098, Givopisnaya, 46, Moscow, Russia ' Department at LLC "Medskan", 124090, Obrucheva street, 21, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: A new version of dose kernels library of photon pencil beams for water has been created to calculate a more perfect description and modelling of the physical processes of photons and charged particles' interaction with matter, with more adequate data on the interaction cross sections and significantly lower values of the statistical uncertainties of the results. The library includes data for monoenergetic photons in the energy range of 0.25-19.75 MeV, data for bremsstrahlung photons with a maximum energy of 4.0 MeV, 6.0 MeV, 10.0 MeV, 15.0 MeV, 18.0 MeV, and data for the spectrum of the ROKUS therapeutic apparatus. Dose kernels were calculated using the Monte-Carlo method by the EGSnrc code. Depths in water from 1.0 to 40 cm and along the radius from 0.02 to 46.0 cm were studied. A convenient mathematical approximation model of dose kernel of a pencil beam is proposed.
Keywords: photons; pencil beam; dose kernel; bremsstrahlung; radiation therapy; mathematical model; approximation formulas; treatment planning system; Monte-Carlo; EGSnrs; primary dose; scatter dose.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNGEE.2019.106022
International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, 2019 Vol.4 No.4, pp.288 - 301
Received: 18 Jul 2019
Accepted: 21 Oct 2019
Published online: 24 Mar 2020 *