Title: Extended model for calculation of soil-wheel contact area parameters in rigid soil-deformable tyre approximation
Authors: Elias Dias Rossi Lopes; André Flora Alves Pinto; Moisés Xavier Guimarães Valentim; Pedro Siciliano Peixoto; Ricardo Teixeira Da Costa Neto
Addresses: Military Institute of Engineering, General Tibúrcio Sq, 80, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ' Military Institute of Engineering, General Tibúrcio Sq, 80, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ' Military Institute of Engineering, General Tibúrcio Sq, 80, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ' Military Institute of Engineering, General Tibúrcio Sq, 80, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ' Military Institute of Engineering, General Tibúrcio Sq, 80, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abstract: This article presents a new model for dynamic simulation of rigid soil-deformable tyre approximation. Previous models are not ready to be implemented in computational simulations, for two main reasons: 1) they do not cover all possible operational regimes of a wheel only slip values between 0 and 1, whereas the wheel can assume both values superior to 1 and negative values; 2) most of them offer a bad approximation for calculation of contact parameters such as length, width and area of contact with quadratic mean errors superior to 100%. Therefore, this article extends the already-established Julien method for deformable soil to all slip values, and provides a new method for contact area calculation that reduces the quadratic mean error to the order of 10%, relative to empirical data. This is important for dynamic simulations of vehicles, as the deformable tyre-rigid soil method is applicable for almost all situations in the automotive regime; and applications are limitless, from estimating the influence of new parts adapted to an automobile, to using it to simulate the dynamics of a VR-model.
Keywords: vehicle dynamics; longitudinal dynamics; deformable tyres; tyre dynamics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2019.104881
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 2019 Vol.13 No.4, pp.358 - 372
Received: 26 Apr 2019
Accepted: 04 Jun 2019
Published online: 05 Feb 2020 *