Title: SMSS: does social, mobile, spatial and sensor data have high impact on big data analytics
Authors: Chemmalar Selvi Govardanan; Lakshmi Priya Gopalsamy Gnanapandithan
Addresses: School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT Vellore, Gorbachev Rd, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632014, India ' School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT Vellore, Gorbachev Rd, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632014, India
Abstract: Big data refers to the huge torrent of large-scale datasets that are being generated at an exponential growth. Since we live in this digital world, the era of big data has emerged in part and parcel of our lives. The emergence of big data has reached in almost several domains like healthcare industry, telecom industry, molecular biology, biochemistry, physics, astronomy, computer science, business and others. In this paper, we have termed the types of big data by the form SMSS data which is simply meaning social, mobile, spatial and sensor data. This paper aims to provide the importance of big data analytics brought over the different types of big data extracted from heterogeneous data sources. To achieve this objective, we have made an intensive study of several literatures and considered a variety of big data applications which are being discussed to showcase its value. Also, a generic framework is proposed that can be applicable to any kind of big data types extracted from such a diverse heterogeneous data sources. Finally, a few open source tools that can be used for processing the big data are presented.
Keywords: big data types; social data; spatial data; sensor data; mobile data.
International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 2020 Vol.7 No.1/2/3, pp.215 - 233
Received: 05 Sep 2018
Accepted: 14 Jan 2019
Published online: 27 Jan 2020 *